Transform your self-worth in a community of like-minded women.

For the stuck, sensitive and self-critical.

Get started now

The Self-Worth School is open for enrolment for a limited time only!

Spots are limited. After this, the next programme launch will be in 2025 and prices will increase!









Get Started Now

Choose the investment that works best for you

Please note: we offer a money-back guarantee, but we are only looking for those ready and willing to do the work. So if you commit to the program, complete the modules… if you are not satisfied after 6 months, we will gladly give you a refund!



 COST £555.00

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • Pay upfront and get the best value offer
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay Upfront



COST 6 x £100 (PER MONTH)

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay over 6 months
Whatsapp Us Any Questions!

Check out what Anne said after only 1 week!


"I feel like I am stripping the old layers of paint off a door or some furniture to restore it to what it should be. It’s like I am restoring myself!"

Hundreds of women have transformed their mindset and created a sense of strength & direction they never imagined would be possible.


Are you next?

The 3 Parts of The Self-Worth School

1. The Self-Study Modules

1 - Awareness
2 - Self-Worth & Deservingness
3 - Meditation
4 - Empowering Practices
5 - You Create Your Own Reality
6 - Core Values
7 - Boundaries
8 - Digging Into Emotions
9 - Broken Beliefs
10 - Rewriting Your Story

2. The Live Calls

There are a total of 15 live calls in the 6 months: 6 live coaching calls with Sophie, 6 live journaling calls with Lucy & 3 guest coach calls.  Even though group work might feel scary, we always get the feedback that it's such a brilliant part of The Self-Worth School. Time & time again, the women say how supported they feel & how incredibly helpful it is to hear others have similar struggles. Many wonderful friendships have been made!

3. The Group

We have a support group held on Slack. This is where we share insights, videos, updates, our progress, ask for help, resources, podcasts and more!  This is a space where you can direct message both Sophie & Lucy as well as the other members.  We also have a study buddy group for anyone who needs help motivating themselves to do the online work.  We all help one another stay accountable to the work!

The Live Calls

15 live calls over the 6 months.

All live calls will be recorded so if you can't make them, you can catch up on them as soon as possible to stay in the loop!

Calls work best for Europe time zones, EST & CST.

Usually Lucy's calls will be 12pm UK time Wednesdays / Thursdays, Sophie's calls 7pm UK time Tuesdays / Wednesdays & guest coach times will vary.

When you sign up, you can subscribe to our calendar and all the calls will automatically sync with your calendar.

Get Started Now

Choose the investment that works best for you



 COST £555.00

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • Pay upfront and get the best value offer
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay Upfront



COST 6 x £100 (PER MONTH)

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay over 6 months
Whatsapp Us Any Questions!

They did it. So can You.

Check out some of our previous students talking about their Self-Worth School experience...

Get started today

"It will be the best money you ever spend. It felt like a huge investment at the time, but it was 100% worth it. There is so much content accessible. Sophie totally transformed my life."

- HannahStudent, The Self-Worth School

read more


✔️  Find more PURPOSE instead of feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

✔️  Be able to set BOUNDARIES instead of people pleasing and feeling guilty.

✔️  Understand what WISDOM your difficult emotions are actually telling you.

✔️  Learn to know the difference between limiting beliefs and your INTUITION.

✔️  Change the way you talk to yourself inside your head in order to move from fear towards SELF-BELIEF.

✔️  Feel ENOUGH and create a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

✔️ Start to HEAL the pain that has been causing you to have low self-worth.

✔️ Be able to make AUTHENTIC decisions rather than ask everyone else for advice.

✔️  Get to know who you are and learn how to ask for your NEEDS to be met in your relationships.

✔️ Stop feeling like it's too late and start to feel EMPOWERED to create change.


The Self-Worth School is for you if you're…

  • A worn out professional feeling stuck in your job or your career, who wants to find deeper meaning and fulfilment.

  • A woman going through a separation, divorce, or at the point where you don't know whether to stay or go.

  • A single woman ready to date in a more conscious, empowered and joyful way.

  • An independent woman trying to align with what feels like a ticking biological clock, questioning whether you have run out of time.

  • A mum wanting to do the work in order to model to her children the behaviour that will inspire them to grow up to believe in themselves.

  • Or any other kind of woman who struggles with feeling not enough.

At The Self-Worth School, you will go from doubting your abilities and not feeling enough, to feeling confident and self-assured, while experiencing a major shift in your perspective on life. This school will guide you in making decisions that align with your values, helping you create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

I'm Sophie Dear,

a transformational life coach, yoga teacher and Founder of The Self-Worth School. I've already helped hundreds of amazing women, just like you, discover their self-worth with my programme that's proven to create incredible transformations. It's my mission and privilege to help people become more aware, more fulfilled and find so much more meaning in life.  So, let me show you how The Self-Worth School will give you the tools, inspiration and support to grow your self-worth and turn it into your superpower.

By the end of this programme you will:

Have a more authentic and confident voice to create the lifestyle and freedom you want.


Let go of the huge pressure you put on yourself and bring way more ease in your everyday life.


Learn that what you accept in every relationship matches your level of self-worth.


Release the shame and blame that you put on yourself, giving yourself a voice of compassion.

Understand where your fears come from and be able to listen to your intuition with more clarity.

Have learnt about your core values, your needs and how to set healthy boundaries.



Take note! This work is not for you if:

  • You truly believe there is no hope for you to change - please, I advise you to go see a therapist.
  • You are not willing to start committing to yourself, which means setting aside 1 hour a week.
  • You don't believe you have the power to make incredible changes to your own life.

Here's What Some Of Our Previous Self-Worth Schoolers have said...


"I'm seeing changes everywhere! The small shifts in mindset and awareness are having an impact on my friendships, my work, my energy, my health, new opportunities in terms of jobs and also connections and I am loving it! I don’t feel anywhere near as stuck as I did a few weeks ago. I am moving forwards no matter what and I have never felt like this.”


" I wish everyone realised the difference this work will make to every aspect of their lives. For anyone still unsure… Just take the leap… you will feel a sense of freedom like no other. If you don’t think it’ll help or make a will literally change your life!! It’s one click you will never regret…"


"Sophie, you have helped me understand that there was never anything wrong with me.  You have also helped me accept that to be human is to make mistakes, fall down and get it wrong, but that that is okay, and ultimately I am safe and loved no matter what!  You have inspired me to try different things; which has expanded my mind, body and soul.  I love myself wholeheartedly today, and it’s this work that has got me to that place.  I am so grateful that today you are still part of my journey, always supportive."  


"When I first joined the programme, I was at a really low point in my life. I was living in fear and just shrinking into myself further & further. 6 months later and I have been able to have vulnerable conversations with my friends & family, I made the difficult decision to separate from my boyfriend. I am feeling lighter & free and starting to expand into the person that was lost quite a few years ago. I have more confidence and trust in my own decisions. Sophie, I cannot thank you enough  for creating an extremely thorough, engaging and life changing course."

And check out some off these results direct from our socials...

So what's inside The Self Worth School?

Take a sneak peek inside
The Self-Worth School.


Meet The Self-Worth School Coaches


Sophie is a Transformational Life Coach &  the Founder of The Self-Worth School.


Jess is a transformational life coach, mindfulness & yoga teacher & guide.


Lucy is a Self-Worth School alumni student and a Transformational Life Coach.

Emma Cannon

Emma is a fertility & women's health expert.

Laura Ann Moore

Laura is a money mindset

Katie Addison Smith

Katie is a registered nutritional therapist.

Jessie Golden

Jessie is a health and mindset coach.

Amanda Noga

Amanda is an Ayurveda and fertility expert.

Mary Tilson

Mary is a coach for the sober and sober curious community.

Get Started Now

Choose the investment that works best for you

Please note: we offer a money-back guarantee, but we are only looking for those ready and willing to do the work. So if you commit to the program, complete the modules… if you are not satisfied after 6 months, we will gladly give you a refund!



 COST £555.00

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • Pay upfront and get the best value offer
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay Upfront



COST 6 x £100 (PER MONTH)

6 months access

  • Access to our signature self-worth empowerment program with 10 Self-Worth Modules
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Journaling Session per month with Lucy
  • 1 x Live 60 min Group Coaching Calls with Sophie per month
  • 3 x live guest coach sessions over the 6 months
  • Total of 15 live sessions
  • Group Community Space with our team of coaches
  • Access to The Self-Worth Book Club
Pay over 6 months
Whatsapp Us Any Questions!

A Personal note from Sophie…

When I first started this work I was sceptical. As someone who needed the science behind the mindset stuff in order to believe it, I delved deep into the psychology of this work. I was disciplined, I put the work in to practice every day and I started to see huge shifts, pretty quickly.

It's always a work in progress as new challenges are thrown our way in life. This work is not about making sure we never feel difficult emotions again.

It's actually about learning to ride the waves of life, letting go of perfectionism, processing shame, finding deep compassion for all your mistakes and equipping yourself with tools to soften the voice of fear inside your head.

I get it - I have been there. Challenging society's expectations of me and having to work on my mental health. Years of anxiety & insomnia, changing career, a divorce, a move abroad, totally recreating my life as I started to learn bit by bit who I really was and why life had felt so tough.

My mission is: to inspire you cultivate a voice that supports you to thrive, to feel fulfilled and to live a more meaningful life.  A life on your own terms.  Not someone else's.

Sophie x