


Together we will welcome in the new year with a 90 minute workshop, setting intentions to create a sense of focus to the year ahead.

We will start with a nourishing yoga flow and a meditation practice.  Followed by some journaling questions to get you energetically aligned to your vision. We will finish with an action board workshop.


Where: Online
You will be sent the recording if you can't make it live.
Cost: £10

I am in!

"Action boards are the new vision boards...

because making a collage then sitting on your porch waiting for the checks to roll in is a fantasy. Instead, I believe it’s about using the science of how the brain works to make your dreams come true. If you create an action board, look at it daily and visualize it coming true, this tracks images to your sub-conscious and primes your brain to grasp opportunities that may otherwise have passed you by."

Dr Tara Swart - Neuroscientist

"Keep doing what you're doing. You're cultivating a community of amazing like minded women and your warmth and leadership Sophie just makes everyone so comfortable at being vulnerable and leaning into the process."


-Anne, 2024 Day Retreat


1730 Yoga & meditation

1815 Action Board Workshop


To Bring:

Yoga mat & a cushion or bolster / block

Journal & Pen

Old magazines / newspapers

Scissors & glue

Any colourful pens you might like you use

Something small that feels important to you (a letter, a crystal, dried flowers, a pebble, a candle)


Please note, we will be creating a WhatsApp group for you to join
beforehand so you can ask any questions!

Your new year vision awaits.

 Spots are limited.

Grab your spot